Trent Global

Navigating the Tech World- Henry’s Story

In this month’s feature, we had a sit-down with one of alumni, Henry as he shares his inspiration and love for all things coding!

Before we begin, tell us more about yourself. How did your journey in coding start and what do you like about coding?

Henry: I began coding in university, driven by a keen interest in application development. I am fascinated by and like how thoughts and ideas can be visualized on a computer screen, allowing us to interact with and transform the digital space and impact the physical world. My passion lies in leveraging technological advancements to enhance daily lives and routines.

Why did you choose to pursue the Diploma in Web Application Development with Trent and thereafter a career in technology?

Henry: A friend recommended me this course (Software Development Bootcamp). Since I was also interested in picking up an application-building skillset, that encouraged me to take on the course.

How did the course prepare you for your career?

Henry: The course has equipped me with up-to-date knowledge of the latest tech stacks, including React for front-end development and Node.js for back-end development. Additionally, the exposure from the course has prepared me for what I can do to continue my learning in software application development and understand what to look for when exploring other tech stacks.

Technology is constantly developing, meaning your skills should be too, How do you keep your technology skills current?

Henry: Well, listening to tech related podcasts like CoRecursive and Tech Meme Ride Home has been a great avenue for me to catch up on the latest tech related news and practices. I participate in tech meetups/gatherings (eg. AWS Tech) to build a community among like-minded individuals in the tech space. In my own free time, I search for YouTube tutorial videos to keep up with the latest frameworks used.

Tell us about a tech project you’ve worked on. What were the responsibilities and challenges that you faced?

Henry: I worked on a project that provides real estate property information to brokers. My key responsibility is to build and deliver features for each sprint, ensure that the software functionality is not compromised by any newly developed feature, ensuring a successful deployment upon the release of the software.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of working in a Tech environment?

Henry : Benefits- Get exposure to improving your soft skills. As a developer, we do not only just code. We have a say in the things that we build. We usually speak to the business acquisition team and product manager to develop the requirements for each sprint, which allows us to work remotely.

Drawbacks-  Extended periods of sitting can lead to poor posture and back problems.

Where do you see yourself  in the next 5 years? (eg, industry of interest)

Henry: I see myself working in a healthcare related organization, where I was inspired during my Final Year Project to problem-solve and discover innovative solutions to develop tools that can meet the needs of different individuals.

What advice would you give to those considering pursuing higher education?

(Henry accompanied by his course mates at their orientation day)

I find that computational thinking is a growing topic and would like to suggest taking up courses to help develop and expose themselves to methodologies to resolve problems through the help of IOT (Internet of Things).

Lastly, fun question ..

What technologies could you not live without? And if you were a tech brand, which one would you be and why?

Technologies I would not be able to live without:

Hmm, that will be the phone call function and google maps.

I am quite bad with directions myself, and heavily rely on google maps to get around even in Singapore.

I think I would be Apple, I am highly accustomed to the ecosystem in which apple provides by connecting various devices through a singular sytem.

We are delighted to be a part of Henry’s journey of learning and self-discovery here at Trent Global College, we hope that his story continues to inspire individuals who are considering on making a career change or even trying something new to enhance their career.

Find out more about our Technology courses here.

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